Our Vision

Our vision is to enable communities with the life-skills and mind-set changes required to raise themselves from a life of abject poverty and a life without hope, to a life of literacy, wellness, integration, prosperity and purpose.

 Every individual has dreams of a better future, and our programs are aimed at inspiring the belief that these dreams can become a reality.

We will achieve this vision through the provision of access to education, wellness programs, community integration programs, and professional guidance in the creation of a safe and secure environment.

Our Values

  • We are passionate about improving the lives of under privileged individuals through the provision of access to a quality education.
  • We honor all people regardless of their background and current circumstances.
  • We are committed to building meaningful relationships through personal interaction with all beneficiaries and donors.
  • We commit to transparent accountability to all donors, volunteers, and communities through the practice of ethical standards above reproach.
  • We will never lose sight of the fact that life is meant to be enjoyed and will demonstrate this through infusing all of our activities with a sense of fun and gratitude for the opportunity we have been given to improve the life of another human being.